Sunday, September 2, 2007

On the Brink of Insanity

Well, here I am back to write,.. since its been I guess a little while, let me update you all. First off I have been struggling with my budget, the online investments are barely breaking even, and my school work is staking up. Not only that but their is my girlfriend to keep happy through all of this.. I know I am not working, but I mean why can't the internet return me a buck for all the time I put into it? I've written like 6 articles with triond and havent broken the 50 cents profit margin yet, so I am shifting strategies up here, first today to a different place I go to submit my articles, Associated Content, heres to golden typing fingers, and if that doesn't work out for me, I'm going to go for selling my articles cheaply on the Digital Point forums for like 2-5 dollars each. I mean writing bulled up articles is pretty entertaining to me at this point. Then their is the whole website ordeal I am trying to reconcile with, having already launched 3 sites, and having 4 site Ideas that I would like to potentially get running with, I keep forgetting that I am only one person. But then instantly I remember that technically if I sleep half as much, I could potentially do like the work of three, due to the fact that the longer I stay a wake, the deeper I go into productivity mode to pump out content and work like a mad man. So, Heed the warning. Their is more to come, prepare for my bombardment of content....

Also a few more things I forgot to address, of course the Gators destroying Kentucky,coincidently the state I was born in, so I hope thats not a bad omen seeing as its the first game they played while I'm a gator, with a score from 49-3 and I and fading here but I think I wanted to say something about I plan on a pretty nice update at boredomkombat tomorrow and to brag about how I somehow made 6 bucks online today from just doing some quick reviews. Yea, SO, thanks to all of you who actually read this post to the end, thats really nice of you, hope my shotty antics somehow amused you to read down this far and it wasn't just a pity read through, oh well I'll finally end this babel.
-Seacrest Out-

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